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Why Inspiration Matters

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

By: Cherie T.

December 17, 2022

Inspiration is the signal of new possibilities…of new experiences.

From my own experiences over the last year, I have learned that inspiration is truly a “thing”. It’s something that I used to regularly sort of ignore because I was too busy or needed to do something more “important” than to act on an inspired thought.

I was wrong. Very wrong, and it kept me contained when I felt deep down that I needed MORE dimension in my life.

I have learned that inspiration allows us to move past limitations.

Inspiration takes us from a state of apathy to enthusiasm – but only if we hear it, listen to it, acknowledge it, and act on it when we feel it.

It is because of inspiration that I finally acted on my inspired action and created Women Who Speed (WWS). I have felt the nudge of inspiration around this platform for two and a half years and would do a few things toward it and then let it go, over and over again. What changed? I acknowledged hearing and feeling it, no matter how much my practical mind suggested that this was silly or too time-consuming, or that no one would care or be interested in it.

Over-riding that false narrative, I decided to go for it and be that limitless person I’ve been hoarding inside. After all, LIMITLESS is a key WWS motto, right?

According to Harvard Business Review (okay, my practical, professional self is emerging), Inspiration has three main qualities:

1. Evocation

2. Transcendence

3. Approach motivation

First, inspiration is evoked spontaneously without intention. Inspiration is also transcendent of our more animalistic and self-serving concerns and limitations. Such transcendence often involves a moment of clarity and awareness of new possibilities.

Inspired people are found to be more open to new experiences.

Inspiration is a springboard for creativity.

Inspiration facilitates progress toward goals.

Inspiration increases well-being.

With the new year fast approaching I am motivated to share and to inspire all women to be their high-performing selves, no matter where you are in your journey.

Here is to having inspiration flow and your possibilities grow!

In the meantime, stay empowered, driven, limitless AND inspired.

- Cherie

Source: Harvard Business Review, November 08, 2011, Scott Barry Kaufman

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17 déc. 2022

Love it

17 déc. 2022
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Thanks Pattie!

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