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Welcome to the Women Who Speed Blog!

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

I am excited to share my vision of empowering driven women to be limitless on the track and in life. Two years ago, I came up with this idea while taking a walk. I was thinking about how nice it would be to have some sportier track wear that would show my passion for being a woman who loves to go fast. The thought then went to, "how cool would it be to hear from other women about their journey to high-performance driving". My final thought in this sequence was, "and it's not just high-performance women, but high-performing women who I'd like to hear from".

I am excited to launch with both the motivation and the merchandise components of this vision to help advocate for women in motorsports, whether you are an auto crosser, a track driver, a racer, a driver who loves to tour, a collector, or a fan. Perhaps you are a woman who loves to speed on a motorcycle, or a road bike. No matter how you speed, I want to hear from you! I hope you will check back regularly to read the posts and to check out new product lines as I refine them based on what you, the high-performance woman is interested in.

Thank you for supporting this vision and participating to enrich this platform! Please sign up and let me know if you'd like to be a highlighted woman who speeds in the message box at the end of the website, or if you want special updates or a free helmet sticker that can also be used on your computer laptop, on your car, or anywhere you want to show the world you are part of Women Who Speed!

- C. T. #89, Founder, Women Who

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